Shoulder Pain From Tennis: Causes, Treatment and Exercises

What is Shoulder Tendinopathy and How Does It Develop?

As a tennis player, shoulder tendinopathy is an injury that you cannot overlook. It is a condition where the tendons surrounding your shoulder joint get inflamed or damaged, causing pain. This can happen in any of the tendons that connect your muscles to bones and control shoulder movement.

The repetitive motion of serving, forehand and backhand swings can put excessive strain on your shoulders. Over time, small tears might occur in your tendons leading to inflammation and intense ache.

Improper technique, lack of flexibility and strength around the joint area or preexisting conditions like rotator cuff tears may also contribute to this condition.

As a fellow tennis enthusiast who has experienced shoulder pain from playing the sport, I highly recommend seeing a healthcare professional at the earliest possible sign of discomfort. Early intervention is key in preventing chronic issues that could eventually prohibit you from engaging altogether. Moreover, obtaining advice from an expert on precautionary measures tailored specifically to your personal needs could be beneficial for preventing future injuries!

Common Tennis-related Shoulder Injuries

As a tennis player, I know first-hand the wear and tear that comes with the sport. The constant overhead motions can put a lot of strain on our bodies, especially our shoulders. Here are some common shoulder injuries that many of us face

Bursitis of the Shoulder

Bursitis of the Shoulder can be a painful condition that tennis players may experience. A bursa is a small fluid-filled sac located near joints which helps to reduce friction between bones and tendons. Overuse or repetitive motion can cause inflammation in the bursae of shoulders, resulting in bursitis; common areas that occur are over the rotator cuff and at the top of the arm bone.

Symptoms of bursitis often include pain and swelling around the affected area, sometimes accompanied by stiffness or difficulty moving your shoulder. If you suspect you have developed Bursitis consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations to avoid further injury.

Treatments often start with rest, avoiding activities which caused elbow pain such as playing tennis, along with ice therapy. Painkillers for sports injuries may be prescribed by doctors if necessary alongside physiotherapy treatments aimed at reducing inflammation through mobilization exercises while increasing strength on surrounding tissues gradually.

Prevention measures such as proper equipment fitting, monitoring training loads play also important roles in preventing shoulder injuries like Bursitis.


Tennis players frequently suffer from various types of shoulder injuries, and Tendonitis is one of them. Tendinitis is referred to as an inflammation or irritation of a tendon, which occurs due to repetitive movements during play. The tendons in the shoulder may become swollen or inflamed, causing severe pain while playing tennis matches.

To prevent and alleviate symptoms of Tendinitis, exercises complemented with rest seem to be effective approaches for athletes. Proper exercises can assist in strengthening the rotator cuff muscles and increasing joint mobility that helps with injury recovery time. Tennis players should always consult their physician or therapist before trying any exercise program for rehabilitation.

By doing regular shoulder stretches, such as chest stretch and rotator cuff stretch exercises accompanied by internal and external rotation motions will help reduce tension build-up, minimizing further irritation on your tendons. Performing these exercises could also help increase blood flow into the affected area for better natural healing processes.

In addition to exercising regularly, toning down tennis training’s high-intensity elements can prevent reoccurrence that could worsen tendinopathy’s severity. This includes reducing overuse factors like avoiding excessively hitting backhand strokes (or forehands) during practice sessions.

Alongside several other contributory reasons linked with Tendinitis disease progression – including bad technique – findings reveal that restorative procedures combined with appropriate exercise programs centered around stretching techniques has shown favorable results concerning injury prevention in tennis players experiences.

Torn Rotator Cuff

As a tennis player, I understand the importance of maintaining optimal shoulder health for optimal gameplay. The rotator cuff is a crucial group of four muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint. Unfortunately, a torn rotator cuff injury is a common occurrence in tennis due to repetitive overhead motions or direct trauma to the shoulder. This type of injury can lead to severe pain and discomfort in the shoulder region, making serving and hitting shots difficult or impossible.

There are several symptoms of a torn rotator cuff, including weakness when rotating the arm externally and difficulty raising the arm overhead. Even sleeping on the affected side can cause discomfort. However, effective treatment options are available depending on your doctor’s recommendation – rest and rehabilitation exercises have proven successful for mild injuries while surgery may be necessary for more severe cases.

To alleviate pain associated with this condition, over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation. Once your doctor has cleared you for physical activity, incorporating external rotation movements using resistance bands into your routine will strengthen supporting tendons and sustain muscle stability in reducing risk factors for further deterioration leading chronic degenerative tendinopathy.

Ultimately seeking professional medical advice before beginning any exercise regime is essential in preventing adverse outcomes related to treatment inception occurring during inappropriate timescales exacerbating underlying conditions causing long-term debilitation instead of recuperating recoveries sustaining careers with healthy playability longevity!

How to Treat Shoulder Pain from Tennis?

Dealing with shoulder pain from playing tennis can put a damper on your game. However, fret not as treatment options are available to ease the discomfort.

Rest and Rehabilitation

After experiencing shoulder pain from playing tennis, the initial response for many players may be to power through and keep playing. However, this can cause further damage and prolong healing time. Resting is essential to allow the shoulder to recover fully. Avoid activities that cause pain and limit overhead movements until you feel little or no discomfort.

During rest, it’s crucial to focus on rehabilitation, which involves restoring strength, flexibility, and range of motion in the shoulder joint. This can involve performing specific exercises recommended by a physical therapist or healthcare provider. Exercises such as shoulder mobility exercises , rotator cuff injury prevention exercises, and other rehabilitating movements help prevent injuries in future games.

In addition to exercise therapy, various treatment options are available for shoulder pain relief: using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin or ibuprofen; icing the affected area several times daily with shoulder ice therapy; using proper techniques when hitting the ball during play to reduce strain on your shoulders; or consulting an athletic therapist for effective recommendations on how best treat your injured tendons.

By prioritizing rest and rehabilitation rather than pushing through pain, players can return safely back onto court quickly while minimizing long-term risk of chronic overuse injuries such as what happens when developing a bad technique due to persistent tennis-related spinal stenosis which lead potentially leading into serious conditions later down the line.


Dealing with debilitating shoulder pain from tennis can be a hefty task. Taking medication may seem like an effective method to ease the discomfort temporarily. Painkillers, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen, can assist in reducing pain and swelling caused by sports injuries. Nonetheless, it is essential to adhere to the recommended dosage and avoid relying solely on tablets in place of rest and rehabilitation.

Sometimes, injections of steroids or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may be mandatory to alleviate shoulder pain effectively. However, getting any injection should not follow without seeking advice from medical professionals. Certain medications could adversely affect your pre-existing medical conditions; that’s why expert consultation becomes crucial before treatment commencement.

Remembering you’re seeking long-term relief from shoulder tendinopathy common among tennis players requires a comprehensive approach towards treatment planning genuinely interested in reduced inflammation and soothing pains due to repetitive strain injury from playing tennis.

As part of this approach consult a qualified physician aiming for evidence-based prevention techniques such as practicing proper form regularly while playing tennis alongside other professional physical therapies provided by personal trainers and physiotherapists actively involved in assessing progress levels throughout therapy programs during rehabilitation.”

Therapeutic Procedures

When shoulder pain from tennis becomes severe, therapeutic procedures may be necessary. These procedures involve medical interventions to help reduce or eliminate the pain and promote healing of the injured tissue. It’s essential to consult a sports medicine physician who can recommend the best therapeutic procedures based on your injury.

One common procedure is Tennis Shoulder Surgery, which involves repairing torn rotator cuff tendons and reattaching them to the bone. This surgery may be necessary if conservative treatments don’t improve symptoms after six months.

Another option is Athletic Therapies, including massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments that focus on reducing inflammation and improving joint mobility.

Corticosteroid injections are also an effective treatment for reducing inflammation around the rotator cuff tendons.

Lastly, Sports Injury Rehabilitation can provide an individualized program based on your shoulder condition. The curriculum aims at regaining range of motion, strength, flexibility and motor control using techniques such as resistance training exercises with resistance bands or equipment like TRX Suspension Trainer®️ empowering specific muscles.

It’s important to remember that most therapeutic procedures serve as complementary care together with rest and physical therapy. Additionally, it is crucial to obtain adequate training before undertaking tennis matches so both technique improvements are made along muscle conditioning preventing future injuries caused by overuse.

Exercises to Prevent and Alleviate Shoulder Pain

Regular exercise is a crucial aspect of maintaining good health in general; it’s also crucial for preventing injuries while playing tennis. Stretching and strengthening exercises are especially valuable as preventive measures against shoulder pain. Incorporating these exercises helps to prevent tightness, strains, and tendonitis from forming due to overuse or repetitive stress that occurs during tennis play.

Rotator Cuff Stretch

Rotator cuff stretch exercises can help to prevent and alleviate shoulder pain from tennis. Following a regular workout regime with rotator cuff stretching, you can increase your shoulder mobility, improve athletic performance and reduce the chance of developing shoulder injuries.

There are various rotator cuff stretches one should practice regularly to keep the shoulders healthy. One such exercise is Lateral Rotation Stretch – while standing upright, keep your elbow at 90 degrees angle; then gently pull it towards the other side until you feel a gentle stretch in your shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds and do not forget to repeat on both sides.

Another effective way to strengthen the rotator cuff muscles is using resistance bands. One useful exercise is External Rotation as follows: Tie one end of a resistance band securely around something immovable; hold the other end with an elbow bent at 90 degrees by your side; move slowly away from the anchor point keeping your elbow close to holding straight throughout the movement.

It’s crucial that if you experience any acute or severe irritation during these exercises, discontinue immediately and consult with a physical therapist or doctor before continuing any further workouts routine.

Internal Rotation

Internal Rotation Exercises to Strengthen Your Shoulder and Alleviate Tennis Pain

Internal rotation is an important movement for any tennis player, but it’s also one of the most common sources of shoulder pain. Lack of adequate internal rotation mobility can lead to injury or impingement syndrome in the shoulder joint.

A good exercise routine that includes internal rotation exercises will help improve this type of impairment, build strength in your shoulders, prevent injuries and alleviate pain.

  1. Internal Rotation with Resistance Band
  2. Wrap a resistance band around a stable object in front of you.
  3. Stand sideways beside it with your elbow bent at 90-degree angle.
  4. Rotate inward against the resistance band without moving your elbow
  5. Pause for a second then release back
  6. Internal Rotation using Dumbbells
  7. Lay on your side with a dumbbell on the side closer to the ground.
  8. With your elbow bent slowly rotate towards midline s far as comfortable while maintaining wrist lengths apart from each other.
  9. Pause for a motion then bring it back
  10. Shoulder Drop Lateral Raise This move uses gravity as resistance to target the rotator cuff muscles’ balancing function:
  11. Start by standing to the left-hand side of an elevated surface about hip height (for example, steps)
  12. Place fingertips on edge and lean across so body faces downward at about a 45-degree angle with right arm extended toward step
  13. Drop right arm down as if placing barbell onto step edge but simply touch and quickly lift up again toward right ribs facing ground

Note: Remember progress slowly start out using only weights within reason always listen to how you feel both during & after any exercise.

Perform these exercises regularly alongside other stretches targeting muscle groups surrounding shoulder area so that you can benefit from better range-of-motion, strong shoulder integrity feeling great throughout play.

External Rotation

External Rotation for Shoulder Mobility and Injury Prevention

External rotation is a crucial movement for shoulder mobility, stability and injury prevention in tennis players. This exercise targets the rotator cuff muscles that help to stabilize the shoulder joint during overhead motions such as serving, forehand and backhand shots.

To perform this exercise, stand with your elbow bent at 90 degrees along your body’s side while holding a lightweight object like a resistance band or dumbbell. Slowly rotate your arm away from your body against resistance until reaching its fullest extension. Pause briefly before bringing it back to its original position slowly.

Training external rotation regularly helps to improve range of motion in the shoulder joint, making overhead movements more comfortable and less likely to cause injury. By strengthening your rotator cuff muscles through exercises like external rotations, you can alleviate pre-existing pain symptoms or prevent potential injuries from occurring.

Incorporating simple exercises like external rotations into your tennis fitness regime can significantly reduce the risk of developing extensive pain after every game. Remember that practicing proper technique during any sport is an essential factor in avoiding overuse injuries going forward. Fully understanding proper form on each shot will reduce undue strain on different areas of our bodies associated with particular movements used in playing tennis such as swinging backhands or serving overheads.

How Can Physical Therapy Help Tennis Shoulder?

I can’t count how many times I’ve experienced endless shoulder pain from playing tennis. Luckily, physical therapy has always been my go-to solution for such musculoskeletal issues. A treatment plan tailored to suit my specific situation helps minimize future risks of potential pain and ensure better shoulder mechanics in the future.

Physical therapists are experts in managing sports-related injuries utilizing various techniques that improve mobility through stretching exercises, range-of-motion exercises as well as weight lifting or resistance band exercise. Scientific athletic therapies like taping techniques also help stabilize joints and soft tissues during play sessions.

In addition to sports medicine approaches that help alleviate discomfort arising from Tennis Shoulder Pain Post Play Therapy Sessions, trainers will instruct patients on proper weight-lifting technique so as not to cause undue strain in the affected region during the rehabilitation process.

Most importantly, physical therapists review an athlete’s shoulder function analysis of their shots played on the court to develop a personalized program aimed at addressing each specific issue accordingly. Should you ever encounter Tennis Shoulder Pain Relief Needed After Playing Tennis Games, I highly recommend consulting a skilled physical therapist with experience in working with sports-specific injuries, for whom therapeutic treatments are incredibly effective!

Other Factors to Consider

As someone who loves to play tennis, I know how frustrating it can be to deal with shoulder pain. That’s why I’ve done some research and found that there are several things you can do to prevent and treat this type of injury.

Tennis technique

Tennis players must pay attention to their technique as it can significantly affect the likelihood of experiencing shoulder pain from playing tennis. A proper tennis technique includes a smooth and efficient stroke with adequate body rotation, which reduces stress on the shoulder joint. A poor technique, on the other hand, increases the risk of developing overuse injuries that can cause severe shoulder pain.

When practicing your backhand or forehand swings, ensure you use the correct upper body form in combination with footwork. Consider keeping your arms straight during shots until impact when applying power without pressure on shoulders.

Tennis serves can also cause significant pressure for shoulders. Try serving at less than maximum capacity serves while maintaining correct biomechanics throughout practice sessions so you gradually improve energy transfer into proper tennis techniques and reduce risk of serious injury over time.

Improper warm-up before activity may lead to muscle tightness putting unneeded pressure on joints. Be sure to properly stretch muscles before playing tennis match!

Preexisting Conditions

When it comes to shoulder pain from playing tennis, preexisting conditions can play a significant role. Individuals with prior injuries or mobility limitations may be more susceptible to developing shoulder tendinopathy or aggravating previous injuries through repetitive motions. Additionally, individuals who are generally inactive or have poor posture may experience more severe symptoms of tennis-related shoulder pain.

It is crucial to take stock of any preexisting conditions before beginning a new fitness routine or sport like tennis and speak with your doctor about how you can best prevent aggravation of any existing issues. Practices such as stretching and strengthening exercises tailored to your needs can help alleviate not just the symptoms but also address the root cause of some preexisting issues such as poor posture.

Furthermore, re-evaluating budget for equipment and making sure that appropriate gear (shoes, racquets, etc.) are used fit for one’s topography could also help reduce injury occurrence in playing tennis; nevertheless should there be any indication of irregularities in feeling during gameplay due consults with medical professionals.

By taking these steps, players can overcome obstacles related to preexisting conditions and potentially enjoy years of healthy and happy play on the court.


As an avid tennis player, I know how important it is to take care of my body on and off the court. One crucial aspect often overlooked is the role that equipment plays in preventing shoulder pain.

First and foremost, your tennis racket is the MVP here. A poorly fitting or incorrectly strung racket can put unnecessary stress on your shoulder joint leading to long-term injuries that nobody wants. To avoid such a situation, it’s essential to consult with a professional before making any purchases or changes to your existing setup.

Secondly, footwear matters just as much! Worn-out or ill-fitting shoes not only affect your footwork but also predispose compensation problems throughout different parts of your body – shoulders and back included.

Last but not least, clothing should never get sidelined… pun intended! Friction created by constantly rubbing against skin due to unfitting clothing causes irritation or blisters in no time; that leads directly into limiting mobility during games or practice sessions.

Investing in high-quality gear that fits well takes some effort upfront but goes a long way in reducing overuse injuries like tennis shoulder significantly. Remember: prevention and precaution are the keys when it comes to avoiding injuries in any sport, especially for activities involving repetitive overhead motion – such as tennis.


In conclusion, shoulder pain is a common issue among tennis players and can greatly impact their performance. Taking steps to prevent injuries through proper warm-up techniques and equipment use, as well as seeking treatment if pain does occur, are essential for maintaining optimal athletic function. Additionally, addressing preexisting conditions, such as poor posture or improper tennis technique, can also contribute to preventing further injury. With proper rest and rehabilitation along with the help of medical professionals and physical therapists, individuals affected by tennis-related shoulder pain can find relief and improve overall health and wellness. Finally, incorporating exercises targeted at strengthening the shoulder muscles into a regular fitness regime can also help prevent future injuries and enhance athletic performance on the court.