Tennis Doubles Strategy – The Ultimate Guide

Doubles Tennis Positioning & Formations

There are several tennis doubles formations that you and your partner can use to gain an edge over your opponents. Each formation has its unique strengths, weaknesses, and ideal situations for use. Understanding these systems well will give you a clear advantage.

The most widely used formation in men’s and women’s doubles is the standard doubles formation. It entails having one player at the net while their partner stands back near the baseline. The net player aims to cut off any volley or lob shot by staying close to the net with their racket up and ready throughout a point while the other teammate covers more ground on the baseline.

Another highly effective positioning setup is I-formation, which includes one net player near the center service line while his/her counterpart remains back toward the baseline diagonally opposite angle from him/her but closer towards all lines. This technique is perfect for teams looking to shake things up a bit as it confuses their opponent order of response.

If either or both of your team members have confident serves, Australian Formation may work best as this positions both players along each sideline; giving them ample flexibility with serve construction options during playtime compared to standard setups like Two-Back positionings requiring all players sharing center space equally apart throughout any given match period.

Lastly, another commonly known Doubles Tennis Positioning & Formations is ‘Two Back’ Formation wherein teammates remain at equal distance covering lobs or dropping shots effectively covering most areas of court surface area without having too much distortion within their playing zone.

It’s important that regardless of what tennis doubles strategy you choose, take into account factors such as both opponent skills level vs yours as well if they notice many flaws frequently being exploited— possibly in specific areas or situations causing them losing points repeatedly— adopting tactics aimed squarely around those strong points (i. e., aggressive Tennis Double Strategies).

The Standard Doubles Formation

The Standard Doubles Formation is the most common and basic strategy in tennis doubles. In this formation, each team member takes a side of the court and players hit from the baseline. The main aim is to cover as much of the court as possible and force errors from your opponents.

To optimize your performance within this formation, try positioning yourself near the center mark when returning serve. This allows you to react quickly to shots hit at any angle by opponents and give them fewer options while also forcing them to play more directly towards you.

Ensure that both partners communicate effectively during gameplay; call out shots or weaknesses that they see in their opponents’ game, adjust positioning based on the opponent’s tendencies, and stay aware of changes in their opponent’s momentum.

By sticking to these simple tactics – proper footwork, communication with your partner, understanding an opponent’s strengths/weaknesses – you’ll be well-equipped to score points even against more skilled oppositions while maintaining strong defense throughout gameplay.

The I-Formation

The I-Formation is a strategic tennis doubles positioning that can add an extra level of difficulty for your opponents. In the I-Formation, the net player stands right in front of the middle line while their partner stands at the baseline’s center. This formation allows you to split your team and confuse your opponents about where both players will be once they serve.

One of the benefits of using this formation is that it puts more pressure on your opponent’s return by giving them very little time to react and aim accurately. As soon as your opponent serves, you can move accordingly based on where the ball goes instead of being restricted by specific court zones.

To execute this tactic effectively, communication between partners is key, with clear instructions given to each other to assure perfect timing during play. Since serving always determines who controls a point in tennis doubles games; mastering how to execute patterns like this will give you high chances of winning matches against evenly matched pairs.

The Australian Formation

The Australian Formation is a creative tennis doubles formation that can be very effective when used correctly. This formation involves one player at the net and their partner covering most of the court from the baseline.

The player at the net will usually be very aggressive, trying to put pressure on their opponents with a combination of volleys and overhead smashes. Meanwhile, their partner will need to have good groundstrokes and movement in order to cover most of the court from the back.

This formation is especially useful against opponents who like to lob or hit high balls. With one player at the net, they can intercept those balls before they become too difficult to handle. Additionally, this formation can make it harder for opponents who rely heavily on cross-court shots as there’s a huge gap down the middle that can’t easily be covered by either opponent.

However, it’s important not to use this formation too often or it could become predictable and less effective. As with any tennis doubles strategy, communication between partners is key when implementing The Australian Formation so both players know where each other are positioned on court at all times.

The ‘Two Back’ Formation

When I’m not feeling confident playing the net during doubles tennis, I turn to the ‘Two Back’ formation. This popular strategy has both my partner and me standing on the baseline, splitting and covering opposite sides of the court. It gives us more reaction time and greater coverage.

But there’s a downside: by staying back, we’re giving up control of the net to our opponents. If they hit a good shot over our heads into an open space behind us, it can be tough to recover.

To make this strategy work well, effective communication and teamwork are essential. My partner and I need to move efficiently while maintaining proper positioning. We also rely heavily on strong groundstrokes since we’ll likely be rallying from the baseline for most of the game.

Using The ‘Two Back’ Formation requires extensive physical conditioning since it involves standing further apart than usual. So there’s more running involved compared to doubling up at the net.

6 Basic Tennis Doubles Tactics

Playing doubles tennis requires a solid strategy. In order to succeed on the court, you should have several basic tactics at your disposal in addition to different formations. Let me introduce six tennis doubles tactics that are fundamental and will give you an advantage:

  1. Avoid the Net Player: You can make it difficult for net players to poach by aiming for their feet or hitting with more pace or higher trajectory.
  2. Hit to the Weaker Player’s Backhand: Look out for who has weaker groundstrokes among your opponents and consistently hit cross-court balls toward their backhand side.
  3. Hit Groundstrokes Deep in the Court: Keeping shots deep and away from the service line is essential because it reduces opportunities for attacking returns or aggressive volleys from your opponents.
  4. Hit the Ball to the Net Player’s Feet: Skilled net players can be forced into making errors by targeting low shots towards their footwork area.
  5. Attack The Middle Of The Court: Direct sharply angled balls aimed at the empty middle section between your opponents’ court halves in order to induce confusion regarding which player handles which ball.
  6. Take Control of The Net: Placement of volleys outside returner reach or forcing weak replies when approaching forward allows proactive control.

Use these easy but effective ways in your doubles game and watch as you level up!

Avoid the Net Player

One of the most important tactics to remember in doubles tennis is how to avoid hitting directly at the net player. This is because hitting straight at an opponent who’s constantly poised around the net can put you and your partner on defense, which is typically not a favorable position.

To start formulating a strategy for avoiding the net player, a good place to begin is by employing strategic tennis doubles positioning. By consistently aiming towards open space on the opposite side of where the net player stands, you create distance between yourself and that high-pressure part of the court.

When possible, hit cross-court shots rather than down-the-line shots. Not only are they generally easier for players to hit with more consistency, but they also make it harder for opponents to camp out at the net due to their trajectory.

Another tactic would be mastering tennis doubles strategy, knowing where both opponents’ weak points are located and taking advantage of them whenever possible. Hitting lobs or deep slices past your opponent who’s confident hovering near or slightly in front of the service line could result in them continually readjusting their base position when they should actually be pressuring you or daring you to go “over” them.

Your goal as a doubles team should always be focused on making life tough for your opponents and keep shifting focus so that neither opponent feels easeful with predictability.

Hit to the Weaker Player’s Backhand

As a doubles tennis player, I’ve found that targeting my opponents’ weaker backhand is one of the most straightforward yet effective tactics. It’s easy to spot which player might have a less reliable backhand and use it to gain an advantage.

Hitting towards the vulnerable side puts your opponent out of their comfort zone and forces them into shots they’re not confident in—leading to errors or weak returns. Usually, it’s the case that one partner has a stronger backhand than the other, making this tactic even more effective.

To execute this strategy successfully, keep an eye on your opponents’ positioning and aim cross-court towards their shaky side. Doing so will add pressure while opening up more court space for you and your partner to maneuver.

But don’t rely too heavily on this technique! Like all good strategies, it should be applied with variation. Mix things up by occasionally hitting down the line or spacing out your targets across the court. That way, you’ll keep your opponents guessing and prevent them from adjusting their positions accordingly.

Incorporating this approach into your game plan can help you take control of each rally and increase your odds of winning matches. Give it a try!

Hit Groundstrokes Deep in the Court

When it comes to playing tennis doubles, hitting deep groundstrokes is a must-try tactic. This strategy can put immense pressure on your opponents and give you an edge over them. Deep shots make it difficult for your competitors to hit strong offensive shots limiting their chances of winning crucial points. Apart from giving you more time to get into position, such strokes also enable you and your partner to cover a larger area on the court advantageously.

To ace the technique of deep groundstrokes in tennis doubles, aim for the back or middle areas of your rivals’ side of the court instead of aiming for their foreground; doing so will give them a chance to move forward and attack at the net, which is not ideal if you want to have control. You want them away from the net by using this method.

This approach serves as a pillar towards gaining mastery over important points leading up to set wins. However, like most strategies used in doubles-tennis, effective communication between partners during each point will lead to prosperous gameplay and better chemistry.

Crucially remember though that implementing this tactics is best executed when smartly mixed with other playing methods such as efficient positioning on the field and well-executed serves/returns accordingly; orchestrating it along with these other techniques elevates its potency on-court.

Hit the Ball to the Net Player’s Feet

One effective doubles tennis tactic is to hit the ball to the net player’s feet. This can be a powerful way of disrupting your opponents’ game plan and forcing errors. When you hit the ball low, it makes it difficult for the net player to get their racket under it, as they have little time to react. Additionally, hitting the ball at their feet can make it hard for them to move effectively or generate any power in their shots.

To execute this tactic successfully, aim for a spot just over the net and close to where the net player is standing. It’s important not to hit too hard as this may result in hitting long or out of bounds; instead focus on making it difficult for the opposing player by placing your shot well.

This technique requires coordination between both partners when attempting lobs or drop shots that can put pressure on your opponents while they are waiting eagerly at front court.

Remember though, all tactics require practice and correct execution so try this one out during your next match against tough opponents!

Attack the Middle of the Court

When playing doubles tennis, attacking the middle of the court can prove to be an effective strategy. By hitting your shots towards the center of the court, you increase your chances of catching your opponents off guard and creating openings for winners.

To execute this tactic successfully, communication between you and your partner is crucial. You should coordinate with each other to ensure that both players are covering their respective sides while still being able to converge on shots hit towards the middle.

Hitting towards the middle also puts pressure on your opponents to make quick decisions about who should take the shot, which can cause confusion and lead to errors. Additionally, if one opponent takes a shot in an attempt to cover the middle, it opens up opportunities for angled shots towards their open side of the court.

Overall, attacking the middle of the court can be a great way to gain control during doubles matches. With proper communication and coordination with your partner, executing this tactic will help you create more winning opportunities while minimizing risk.

Take Control of the Net

When playing tennis doubles, taking control of the net can give you and your partner a huge advantage over your opponents. It allows you to intimidate them, put pressure on their returns, and gives you more opportunities to end points with volleys or overheads. Here are some effective strategies to help take control of the net:

  1. Poaching: poaching means intercepting the ball when your opponents are hitting towards your partner. If executed correctly, it can catch your opponents off guard and force errors.
  2. Cut off angles: The player at the net should cut off as many angles as possible with quick footwork so that they can volley aggressively.
  3. Move forward: After serving or returning serve, move quickly towards the net to cut off any potential angle for a passing shot by forcing the opponent’s return into a half court position.
  4. Split step: Make sure to split step after serving or hitting approach shots; it improves reaction time at the net.
  5. Attack weak second serves: Anticipate weak second serves and move closer to the service line in order to attack it early on.

All these tactics combined will boost not just your own confidence levels but also throw off your opponent’s game plan whilst enabling more dominant play throughout each point of doubles match play allowing both players teams greater success rates which will ultimately result in victories more matches!

Additional Doubles Tactics

Positioning to Cover the Court Efficiently: To cover a larger portion of the court, teams can employ different positioning techniques depending on whether one or both players are at net. One effective strategy involves splitting up the court diagonally, where each player covers half the court and is in charge of shots hit in his/her direction. This formation works well when both opponents are hitting from their baseline.

How to Make Your Opponents Uncomfortable: Make your opponents uncomfortable with shots such as lobes, spin serves, and even pretend moves that aim at making them commit mistakes while trying to anticipate your shot.

  • Lobs are not only useful against net rushers but also an effective move for giving yourself enough time and space when you’re under pressure.
  • Spin serves create an unpredictable ball trajectory, making it harder for your opponent to return accurately.

The Importance of Communicating with Your Partner: Effective communication between doubles partners is crucial for success on court. You need good communication skills which include eye contact, simple hand signals or determining who will take potential difficult balls around certain areas

  • Communication may seem minor but it’s really important; a doubles team that communicates poorly will always struggle compared to those who communicate effectively.

Remember, being adaptable and flexible is constructive during games since conditions could change anytime during playtime — give these additional tactics a try!

Positioning to Cover the Court Efficiently

As someone who enjoys playing tennis doubles, I know firsthand how critical court positioning is to gain an edge over opponents. Reacting quickly and being in the right spot at the right time is crucial to maintaining control of the game. To achieve this and efficiently cover the court, you need to position yourself and your partner like a V on your half of the court. This technique involves placing one player at one point and the other opposite them on another point. Playing too close or far from the net can create loopholes that skilled players will exploit, so staying near the middle of the baseline offers better coverage.

What’s more, communication between teammates plays a fundamental role in proper positioning. Keeping an open line of communication helps cover any gaps effectively as you reinforce each other’s movement around the court. You may also consider using advanced formations such as Australian formation where both partners are parallel net coverers whose movement does not criss-cross during play.

While playing with precision and accuracy is vital, honing footwork with efficient drills can help improve teamwork efficiency significantly. As misplaced positions occasionally happen in matches, being alert for switching sides can prevent any vulnerabilities from being exploited.

Positioning optimally typically requires constant practice; analyzing gameplay regularly adapts strategy depending on various variables such as perceived skill levels of teams involved, fatigue level during play – even environmental factors like wind direction! Nonetheless, mastering these techniques promises substantial rewards against formidable foes who persistently return every shot!

How to Make Your Opponents Uncomfortable

Effective tennis doubles strategy involves more than hitting the ball back and forth. If you want to elevate your game, it’s important to master tactics that can make your opponents uncomfortable on the court.

Firstly, winning tennis doubles mindset is key. Keep yourself focused and motivated throughout the match. Stay positive even when things get tough. Encourage your partner as well, and avoid dwelling on mistakes.

Strategic tennis doubles positioning is another great tactic to try out. Place shots accurately to exploit weaknesses in your opponents’ form and mastering tennis doubles strategy with practice drills beforehand will guide you into choosing effective formations during matches.

Tactical tennis doubles moves include keeping opposing players guessing and off balance with a variety of different strategies like clever angles, chips or lobs beyond their normal reach, which are considered some of the best tennis doubles plays used at net play situations.

Defensive techniques such as defensive tennis double tactics can give an edge by disrupting opponents’ rhythm by changing up speed/spin placement on shots that makes them fight for control over time itself affecting their morale whilst aggressive tactics such as aggressive double strategies throw them off by playing high-risk shots early on while they’re still settling down into position – forcing their attention towards defense instead of offense mode increasing chances for easy points.

There are many effective ways to implement these tactics successfully over long-term performance improvement plan; practicing regularly through specific conditioning programs: building core strength, practicing footwork drills while also improving communication between partners using innovative methods which ultimately lead winning combinations for both mental & physical competing advantages!

The Importance of Communicating with Your Partner

Effective communication with your partner is key to success in doubles tennis. With a teammate on the court, clear and concise communication can help avoid confusion and prevent errors.

One way to establish good communication is by discussing your tennis doubles game plan before the match. Together, create a list of creative tennis doubles strategies and winning tennis doubles combinations that you can execute during points.

During the match, discuss any changes in strategy or tactics as they arise. For instance, if you notice that your opponents are weak at the net, consider switching to more aggressive tennis doubles tactics such as hitting shots towards the middle of the court or taking control of the net. Ensure that both players understand and agree on these adjustments.

Be sure to also be vocal about where you’ll serve or return from before each point begins so both players can anticipate their position on court. Discuss any weaknesses or strengths in your opponent’s game so you can play accordingly.

Remember that effective communication includes body language as well – eye contact and simple hand signals can convey important messages quickly especially when loud cheering interrupts verbal messages while playing matches..

Overall, open communication during matches will improve teamwork in tennis doubles leading to an increased chance for victory!

Doubles Strategy On Serve

Serving in doubles is a crucial aspect of the game. A successful serve can set up your team for a winning point, while a poor one can lead to an easy advantage for your opponents. To start off, choose a comfortable serving position on the court so you have enough room but can also get into position quickly if necessary. Next, consider using dominant tennis doubles tactics such as aiming at the weaker opponent’s backhand or hitting a powerful serves down the middle to create confusion between your opponents about who should take it.

Communication with your partner is also key to execute effective serves and placement strategies consistently since it helps avoid situations where both players run for the same ball leading to gaps in coverage on court. You could also try varying pace and spin of your serves by kicking balls wide or slicing them short which would allow you take control of net positioning more easily.

Another important factor that must be considered is quick recovery – once you’ve served, don’t wait around admiring how good it was! Anticipate what’s coming next by moving immediately towards either side of net with equal readiness. Partner’s communication again plays an important role here – they might call out “Go!” which means that they’re responsible for covering any missed returns meaning that as soon as you hit the serve and hear their cue, you need to move quickly to either sides of net.

Finally, practicing tennis doubles drills will help improve your serve while simultaneously enhancing features like coordination and overall conditioning during this period allowing both partners arrive provide quality service when needed throughout a match.

Doubles Strategy On Return

When returning in doubles tennis, it’s important to have a solid strategy to disrupt your opponents. By following these proven tactics, you can elevate your game and put pressure on the other team.

  • Hit the space: If one of the opposing players is weak at responding to serves, hit a return shot that leaves open spaces for your team to exploit. Angling returns into wide-open court areas usually causes confusion among the opponents and provides more opportunities for scoring points.
  • Attack Weaknesses: When receiving serve, first focus on returning with all standard grips such as backhand grip or forehand grip depending upon a weak opponent’s weakness or blindside areas.
  • Soft Touches: In case an opponent comes out charging forward too heavily early in the point because he/she assumes you can’t get past him/her this time either; then a last-second soft-drop lob or deft angles shot should take them by surprise & win many easy points without much fuss!

By using these strategies effectively, along with strong communication with your partner on and off the court, you’ll be able to take control of doubles tennis matches.

Doubles Strategy At The Net

If you want to win more doubles matches, dominating the net is key. Lucky for you, I’ve got some tips that can help improve your performance:

  • Position Yourself Wisely – After hitting a ball that brings your opponent up to the net, quickly move forward and position yourself near the center line. This will allow you to cover cross-court shots while staying close to your partner.
  • Communicate Effectively with Your Partner – Communication is crucial in doubles tennis, especially when both players are near the net. If one player moves out wide or decides to poach, ensure there’s coverage on both sides.
  • Play Aggressively – Attacking 50% of incoming balls aggressively at the net makes it hard for opponents to hit accurately and increases chances for errors leading to point-winning opportunities.
  • Master Volleys & Overheads – Proper technique and timing are essential for mastering volleys. Practice different strokes consistently while building control and confidence hitting overheads from all parts of the court.

By following these simple steps, you’ll become a stronger player overall. Remember: being smart yet aggressive when closing out points through good positioning builds trust in partnership-work making every shot count! So get out there and dominate that net!


How to Beat a Lobber in Doubles Tennis?

One way to beat a lobber is to keep the ball low and make them move. Try hitting fast-paced shots towards their feet or body, giving them less time to prepare for their next shot.

How to Beat Pushers in Doubles Tennis?

To beat pushers, it’s important to be patient and wait for the right opportunity. Keep the rally going until you find an opening that you can exploit. When you do attack, choose your shots carefully and aim for corners or open spaces.

How to Win Doubles Tennis with a Weak Partner?

If you have a weak partner, it’s best to encourage them and work together as a team. Play smart tennis by hitting shots that play into your strengths while minimizing weak areas. Focus on keeping the ball in play as much as possible so that your stronger opponent has fewer chances at putting away easy winners.

How to Be More Aggressive at the Net in Doubles?

Being aggressive at the net means taking risks by attacking volleys early and moving forward whenever possible. One way of adapting this strategy is by using poaching tactics which will catch opponents off-guard, disrupting their rhythm and forcing errors from them.

How to Beat a Lobber in Doubles Tennis

When facing a lobber in doubles tennis, it can be frustrating when they keep hitting high balls over your head. However, there are some strategic tennis doubles positioning tactics and creative tennis doubles strategies that can help you beat them.

One effective approach is to focus on the net game. Since the lobber likes to hit the ball high, moving up to the net will force them to hit lower shots which may not be their strength. You can use this situation to your advantage by practicing powerful tennis doubles techniques such as poaching or volleying.

Another tactic is communication with your partner. If you notice that one of your opponents tends to be responsible for most of their team’s lobs, communicate with your partner and make an agreement to focus on them specifically. You can also try different types of serves such as slice or kick serves that make it harder for the lobber to anticipate where the ball will land.

It’s also important not to get frustrated or impatient and resort back to playing defensively. Stay focused on playing aggressively while keeping control of the court.

By implementing these tactics like playing at the net with powerful net plays, having good communication with your partner, staying consistent and patient while still being aggressive throughout, you’ll have more success in beating a lobber in doubles tennis matches!

How to Beat Pushers in Doubles Tennis

Pushers in doubles tennis can be frustrating opponents to face on the court, especially if you and your partner rely on aggressive plays. However, there are several tactics that you can implement to overcome their style of play and come out with a win.

Firstly, communication is key when facing pushers in doubles. Make sure to talk with your partner before the match about how to handle these types of opponents. One effective strategy is for one player to stay back and defend while the other attacks the net.

Another tactic is to target their weaker shots instead of always going for winners. This will force them into more difficult defensive positions and eventually make mistakes.

You should also focus on creating angles during rallies since this will take away pushers’ time which they need to be in position all game long. Using sharp cross-court angles off good serves might enable cut-off volleys or short lobs that open up passing shot space as well as bring them closer to the net.

Finally, consistency is crucial when playing against pushers. Keep your unforced errors low by aiming towards consistency and waiting for an opportunity where you have higher chances of ending opponent’s runs at crucial times of a set.

By using these tactics in combination with each other, you’ll create winning opportunities while simultaneously reducing your opponent’s effectiveness – creating little or no opportunities that might give way into opening up a break point chance enabling team support for a win!

How to Win Doubles Tennis with a Weak Partner

Playing tennis doubles with a weak partner can be challenging, but it doesn’t mean that you should give up on winning. With the right strategy, you can still dominate the court and come out victorious. The key is to adapt your game plan to your partner’s strengths and weaknesses.

First, create a doubles game plan that complements your partner’s skills. If your partner struggles to hit winners, focus on keeping the ball in play and forcing errors from your opponents. On the other hand, if your partner has a reliable shot or serve, try to set them up for success by playing shots that play to their strengths.

Next, work on communication with your teammate. Clear communication is essential in any tennis doubles match, but especially when playing with a weak player. Establish hand signals or code words that will help you coordinate effectively on the court.

Another important factor in winning tennis doubles with a weaker player is teamwork. Stay positive and supportive of each other throughout the game. Encourage each other after points won or lost and maintain open lines of communication even during difficult matches.

Finally, consider training together off-court to improve various aspects of play such as footwork conditioning or practice serves and receptions. By working together on areas where one might lack technique; both partners could strengthen their abilities.

By following these tips across effective formation and positioning discussed previously in our article outline here), you can improve your chances of winning doubles tennis matches regardless of varying individual levels among teammates!

How to Be More Aggressive at the Net in Doubles

One of the most effective ways to dominate in doubles tennis is by being aggressive at the net. It’s a strategy that requires confidence, precision, and good teamwork skills to execute successfully. In order to develop an aggressive net game, you need to work on both your technical skills and tactical approach.

Firstly, conditioning for tennis doubles can be useful as it can help increase stamina and explosiveness that are needed when charging towards the net after hitting a groundstroke. Some Effective tennis doubles shots include sharp volleys, half-volleys, punchy overheads are some of the shots that lead to more winning points.

Next up is mastering ‘tactical tennis doubles moves’ such as poaching or intercepting balls that would otherwise go past your partner standing behind you which might give you an edge against opponents who aren’t used to it. Communication with your partner about where they plan to return their shot and alerting them when you intend to make a move will also increase effectiveness.

Having strong ‘tennis doubles tactics’ is crucial for playing successful matches in this format. Some advanced tactics include split-step movement patterns before making contact with the ball or hitting from different angles like cross-court returns which can force errors from opponents or create openings for easier winners. Being aggressive does not necessarily mean taking unnecessary risks during key moments; instead one should look for opportunities then capitalize on them once presented within reasonable limits.

Overall, being more aggressive at the net in doubles requires constant practice of these techniques over time while incorporating them into one’s personal game plan until they come naturally–also considering various factors like court surface type and weather conditions affecting each match day.


As someone who loves playing tennis, I find doubles matches to be particularly thrilling. It’s not just about individual skill – teamwork and strategy are equally important.

While the standard formation is commonly used, experimentation with different formations can give your team a unique edge. To succeed in doubles tennis, effective communication between partners is vital. A combination of offensive and defensive tactics will also serve you well.

By hitting deep groundstrokes and avoiding the net player, you’ll keep your opponents guessing. But more advanced tactics like attacking the middle of the court or seizing control of the net are surefire ways to dominate.

Adaptation is key too – knowing your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses gives you an added advantage; new plays can help improve and create new opportunities on-court too. Consistent practice drills that focus on double techniques paired with communication training all culminate into success in forming successful partnerships on the court which ultimately leads to becoming an excellent doubles player!

So make it a habit to develop these skills through regular practice sessions – set up some good technique points by playing out rounds with fellow players while always keeping an eye open for better opportunities arising that might lead to winning outcomes on game day!