What is the Birdie Called in Badminton

Get ready to learn all about birdies in badminton – that one essential piece of equipment that every player needs. Whether you’re just starting out or already a pro, understanding the ins and outs of these small projectiles is crucial to improving your game. In this article, we’ll explore everything from their construction and materials used to their weight, speed, and durability. So let’s jump right in and uncover the secrets behind these little wonders that make badminton soar!


A shuttlecock, also known as a birdie, is the projectile used in the game of badminton. It is designed to be hit back and forth over the net by players using rackets. The shuttlecock consists of two main parts: the base and the skirt. The base is made from either cork or synthetic materials such as plastic or nylon. It has an open conical shape formed by feathers or a synthetic material that are embedded into a rounded cork or rubber base.

The skirt of the shuttlecock is made up of 16 feathers traditionally taken from the left wing of a goose. However, synthetic shuttlecocks with plastic skirts are also available and are often preferred for their durability and consistency in flight.

The design of the shuttlecock plays a crucial role in its performance on the court. The feathers or synthetic materials create drag, causing the shuttlecock to slow down as it travels through the air. This allows players to control its trajectory and placement during gameplay. Additionally, the unique shape and weight distribution of the shuttlecock contribute to its stability in flight.

In international badminton competitions, feathered shuttlecocks are typically used due to their superior flight characteristics and feel compared to their synthetic counterparts. However, for recreational play or beginner-level matches, plastic shuttlecocks may be more practical due to their affordability and durability.

Overall, the choice between feathered or synthetic shuttles depends on player preference, skill level, budget considerations, and playing conditions such as humidity and temperature.


The origins of the birdie or shuttlecock can be traced back to an ancient game played in Asia. This traditional sport, known as battledore and shuttlecock, involved players hitting a feathered birdie with a wooden paddle called a battledore.

In the 19th century, the game evolved into what we now know as modern badminton. The feathered birdies were replaced with cork-based shuttles, but the basic concept remained the same – hitting the shuttlecock back and forth over a net.

Today, badminton is played all around the world and has become a popular competitive sport. The birdie is an essential part of every badminton match, enabling players to showcase their skills and agility on the court.

Overall, understanding the origins of the birdie gives us insight into the rich history and cultural significance of this beloved sport.


Shuttlecocks used in badminton have specific specifications that determine their performance and durability. These specifications are crucial for players to understand in order to choose the right shuttlecock for their game.

1. Material: Shuttlecocks are made from either natural feathers or synthetic materials such as nylon or plastic. Feather shuttlecocks, particularly those made from duck or goose feathers, are preferred by professional players due to their superior flight characteristics and feel.

2. Construction: A shuttlecock consists of a conical cork base covered with a layer of either natural or synthetic material. The quality of the cork base and the precision of the feather or skirt attachment affect the shuttlecock’s performance.

3. Weight and Speed: Shuttlecocks come in different weights and speeds to accommodate various playing styles and court conditions. The weight is usually indicated by a number on the tube, with light shuttlecocks suitable for fast gameplay and heavy ones providing more stability.

4. Durability: Feathered shuttlecocks are typically more delicate compared to synthetic ones, which can endure multiple games without significant impairment to their flight characteristics. However, feathered shuttlecocks tend to be more expensive due to their craftsmanship and use of high-quality materials.

Understanding these specifications will help players make informed choices when selecting a shuttlecock that suits their playing style and preferences.

Construction and Materials

When it comes to the construction of a badminton shuttlecock, there are specific materials that are used to ensure its performance on the court. The birdie is made up of two essential parts: the base and the feathers (also known as the skirt). The base is typically made from rubber and provides stability and balance during flight. It also acts as a platform for the feathers to be attached. The feathers, usually sixteen in number, are carefully selected from either goose or duck’s wings due to their lightweight nature, which allows for better flight characteristics. This combination of rubber base and feathered skirt creates a unique projectile that makes badminton such an exciting sport. Keep in mind that synthetic alternatives are also available in the market, but many experienced players prefer traditional feathered shuttlecocks for their authentic feel and flight path.

  • Synthetic alternatives are available.
  • Feathered shuttlecocks preferred by experienced players.

Feather or Synthetic Shuttlecocks

When it comes to badminton shuttlecocks, there are two main types to choose from: feather and synthetic. Each type has its own unique qualities that cater to different players and playing styles.

Feather shuttlecocks, as the name suggests, are made from real feathers, usually taken from ducks or geese. These shuttlecocks offer a more traditional playing experience and are preferred by professional and serious tournament players. The natural feathers provide excellent flight performance, allowing for precise control and delicate shots on the court.

On the other hand, synthetic shuttlecocks, also known as plastic birdies, have gained popularity due to their durability and consistent performance. Made from materials like nylon or plastic, these shuttlecocks have a more uniform shape and weight compared to feather ones. They are ideal for recreational players or beginners who may find feather shuttles too fragile or costly.

The choice between feather and synthetic shuttlecocks largely depends on personal preference and skill level. Feather shuttles offer a more authentic feel but require proper care and can be easily damaged if mishandled. Synthetic shuttles, while not offering the same level of finesse as feathers, provide superior durability for extended use.

In general, it’s important to consider factors such as player skill level, playing conditions, budget, and personal preference when deciding which type of shuttlecock is best suited for your badminton game.

What is the Name of Badminton’s Ball Called?

In the sport of badminton, the ball-like object that is used is actually called a shuttlecock, commonly known as a “birdie” among players. The name “birdie” originates from its resemblance to a small bird.

The shuttlecock is not referred to as a ball because it has unique characteristics that differentiate it from traditional sports balls. Instead of being solid and spherical, the shuttlecock has an open conical shape with a round base made of rubber. Its body is formed by attaching feathers or synthetic materials to the base, giving it stability and aerodynamic properties during play.

The fact that badminton’s ball is called a “birdie” adds to the charm and uniqueness of this sport. It also highlights how badminton stands out among other racquet sports like tennis or squash, where traditional balls are used. So when you’re playing badminton, remember that you’ll be using birdies instead of balls!

What Does a Birdie Look Like?

The birdie, also known as a shuttlecock, is a unique piece of equipment used in the sport of badminton. It has a distinctive appearance that sets it apart from other sports balls. A birdie consists of two main components: the base and the feathers.

The base is made of either cork or a synthetic material. It is round in shape and has a solid texture to provide stability during gameplay. The base is covered with a layer of natural cork or synthetic material, which gives it its signature look.

Attached to the base are 16 feathers that form an overlapping pattern. These feathers can be either natural or synthetic, depending on the type of birdie being used. Feathered birdies are made from high-quality goose or duck feathers, while synthetic birdies are constructed using durable plastic materials.

The feathered feathers give the birdie its aerodynamic properties, allowing it to travel through the air smoothly and accurately. They also add weight to the birdie, making it more stable during flight. On the other hand, synthetic feather alternatives provide durability and consistency in performance.

Overall, a birdie has a unique and recognizable appearance with its round-shaped base covered by cork or synthetic material and topped with 16 overlapping feathers. Players can choose between natural feathered birdies for traditional play or opt for synthetic options for enhanced durability and performance consistency.

How Heavy is a Birdie?

Birdies, or shuttlecocks as some may call them, are an absolute must-have in the game of badminton. Let’s talk about how their weight comes into play and affects their performance on the court.

In general, birdies come in different weights depending on whether they’re made with feathers or synthetic materials. Those crafted with feathers tend to be lighter compared to their synthetic counterparts. Feathered shuttlecocks typically weigh around 4.74 – 5.50 grams (0.17 – 0.19 ounces), whereas plastic shuttlecocks lean towards a slightly heavier side, weighing approximately 5.16 – 5.50 grams (0.18 – 0.19 ounces).

Why does weight matter so much? Well, it actually impacts the speed and trajectory of a birdie when it’s struck by players during gameplay. Lighter birdies have higher speeds and can cover greater distances because they experience less air resistance. This aspect definitely gives an advantage to those who prefer a speedy match.

On the flip side, heavier birdies offer superior control and stability as they tend to slow down more swiftly after being hit, resulting in shorter flight distances.

Ultimately, whether you opt for a feathered or synthetic shuttlecock, it’s crucial to choose the right weight that aligns with your playing style if you want to have a truly enjoyable badminton experience on the court.

How Fast Can a Birdie Fly?

In badminton, speed is a crucial element that adds excitement and intensity to the game. The velocity with which the birdie flies affects the dynamics of each shot and requires players to react quickly. So, how fast can a birdie fly?

When it comes to the shuttlecock’s speed, it largely depends on the type of birdie used. Feathered and synthetic shuttlecocks have different flight characteristics. Feathered birdies tend to have a slower initial speed but can reach high speeds towards the end of their flight due to their aerodynamic properties. Synthetic birdies, on the other hand, are designed for high-speed play and can reach incredible velocities.

In professional badminton tournaments or leagues, players often use feathered shuttlecocks because they provide better control and feel for the game. These feathered birdies have been known to reach speeds exceeding 200 mph (320 km/h) during intense rallies.

On the other hand, synthetic birdies are popular among beginners or recreational players who prefer a faster pace. These birdies are specifically engineered for high-speed play, allowing players to experience fast-paced rallies without sacrificing durability.

In summary, while feathered shuttlecocks offer precision and control at varying speeds throughout their flight path, synthetic alternatives embedded with rubber bases excel in high-speed scenarios. The choice between these two types ultimately depends on player preference and the level of play.

Now that we’ve explored how fast a birdie can fly let’s delve into another interesting aspect: How long does a birdie last?

How Long Does a Birdie Last?

When it comes to the lifespan of a birdie in badminton, there are several important factors to consider. The durability of a birdie is greatly influenced by its construction, the materials used, and how often it gets used.

Feather shuttlecocks usually don’t last as long as their synthetic counterparts. This is due to their delicate feathers that can easily wear out after repeated use. On the other hand, synthetic shuttlecocks are specifically designed to be more durable and long-lasting.

The quality of materials used in manufacturing the birdie also plays a significant role in its lifespan. When high-quality feathers or synthetic materials are utilized, they tend to withstand the demands of gameplay and hold up better over time.

It’s important to note that the frequency of usage and the intensity of gameplay can also impact how long a birdie lasts. As players continuously strike the shuttlecock with force and precision, it may become damaged or wear out at a faster rate.

Ultimately, there isn’t a specific timeframe for how long a birdie will endure as it varies depending on various factors. However, with proper care and maintenance, a high-quality birdie can typically withstand numerous matches before needing replacement.

To ensure optimal longevity, it is recommended to store your birdies in a cool and dry place when not in use. Additionally, regular inspections should be performed to check for any signs of damage or wear and tear.

In summary, while there isn’t an exact expiration date for a badminton birdie, its lifespan can be influenced by factors such as construction, materials used, frequency of usage, and intensity of gameplay. Taking proper care of your birdies will help prolong their lifespan and maintain their performance on the court.

How Much Does a Birdie Cost?

When it comes to the price of a birdie in badminton, there are several factors that can affect how much you’ll need to shell out. The type of birdie you choose, whether it’s made with real feathers or man-made materials, can make a big difference in cost. Feathered birdies generally cost more than their synthetic counterparts because they use top-notch feathers. And let’s not forget about the brand and quality of the birdie – big names like Yonex and Victor often come with a higher price tag for their high-quality offerings. On average, you should expect to fork out anywhere between $2 to $20 per birdie depending on all these factors. Remember, it’s important to invest in good quality birdies for peak performance and long-lasting durability during your badminton matches.

Where Can I Buy Birdies?

When it comes to getting birdies for my badminton game, I have quite a few options. I can visit sports stores, browse online retailers, or even check out specialty badminton shops. Personally, I prefer purchasing birdies from a reputable badminton equipment company because they offer a wide range of options that cater to different playing styles and preferences.

If convenience is important to me, I can always try online shopping. Websites like Amazon and eBay have a great selection of birdies from different brands and manufacturers. There are also badminton-specific websites that offer high-quality birdies for purchase.

Now, the type of birdie I choose is an important decision. Feather shuttlecocks are known for their superior quality and authentic playing experience. On the other hand, synthetic shuttlecocks are more durable and may be better suited for beginners or players who play casually.

To make sure I’m getting the best bang for my buck, it’s crucial to compare prices and read reviews from other customers before making a final decision. By doing some research and exploring different options, I can find the perfect birdies that fit both my needs and budget. So why not start my badminton journey with the right equipment? Hopefully, this guide helps me find the perfect birdie!

What is an Interesting Fact About Birdies?

While birdies may seem like just a small part of the game of badminton, there are some interesting facts about them that many people might not know. For instance, did you know that serious tournaments or leagues are always played with feather shuttlecocks? Feathered birdies are preferred because they offer better flight characteristics and trajectory compared to synthetic shuttlecocks. In fact, feather shuttlecocks can reach speeds in excess of 200 mph, making them essential for high-level play. Additionally, the feathers used in feather birdies come from either ducks or geese and sixteen feathers are typically included in each shuttlecock. These unique features contribute to the birdie’s exceptional performance on the court. So next time you pick up a birdie, remember its important role in the game of badminton!

Are Feathered or Synthetic Birdies Better?

When it comes to playing badminton, the choice of shuttlecock can significantly impact your game. There are two main options to consider: feather birdies and synthetic birdies. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, but which one is better?

Feather birdies are made from real feathers, usually sourced from ducks or geese. They offer a unique playing experience with their natural flight and delicate touch on the racket. Feather birdies are often preferred in professional tournaments for their superior control and realistic feel.

On the other hand, synthetic birdies are constructed using man-made materials such as nylon or plastic. These birdies are more durable than their feather counterparts and tend to last longer. They also provide consistent flight patterns, making them ideal for recreational players who prioritize affordability and longevity.

The choice between feather and synthetic birdies ultimately depends on your personal preference and playing style. If you value authenticity and enjoy the traditional feel of badminton, feather birdies may be your best bet. However, if durability and cost-effectiveness are your priorities, synthetic birdies can be a reliable choice.

To summarize, both feathered and synthetic birdies have their merits. It’s crucial to consider factors such as playing style, level of play, and budget when making your decision. Ultimately, the choice boils down to what suits you best as a player.

In our next section, we will delve into frequently asked questions about badminton birdies to further enhance your understanding of this vital piece of equipment.


What is the birdie called in badminton?

The birdie in badminton is called a shuttlecock.

What is the name of badminton’s ball called?

Badminton does not use a ball. It uses a shuttlecock.

What does a birdie look like?

A birdie, or shuttlecock, in badminton consists of a rounded cork base with feathers or synthetic materials attached to it.

How heavy is a birdie?

The weight of a shuttlecock can vary but is typically between 4.74 and 5.50 grams.

How fast can a birdie fly?

The speed at which a shuttlecock can fly in badminton can reach up to 200 miles per hour.

How long does a birdie last?

The lifespan of a shuttlecock depends on factors such as usage, but on average, it can last for several games.

How much does a birdie cost?

The cost of a shuttlecock can vary based on the quality, type (feather or synthetic), and brand, but it generally ranges from $1 to $5 per shuttlecock.

Where can I buy birdies?

Shuttlecocks can be purchased at sports stores, online retailers, and badminton specialty shops.

What is an interesting fact about birdies?

An interesting fact about shuttlecocks is that the feathers used in high-quality birdies are often sourced from ducks and geese.

Are feathered or synthetic birdies better?

The choice between feathered and synthetic shuttlecocks depends on personal preference and playing conditions. Feathered birdies are generally used in professional games due to their flight characteristics, while synthetic birdies are more durable and suitable for casual and recreational play.


In conclusion, the birdie plays a crucial role in the game of badminton. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional player, understanding the different aspects of the birdie is important for enhancing your gameplay. From its construction and materials to its weight and speed, each characteristic contributes to the overall performance on the court.

Feather shuttlecocks are preferred by serious players due to their flight characteristics and authentic playing experience. On the other hand, synthetic shuttlecocks offer durability and consistency during gameplay. Ultimately, the choice between feathered or synthetic birdies depends on personal preference and playing style.

Remember, it’s essential to select high-quality birdies that meet regulations set by organizations like BWF (Badminton World Federation). This ensures fair play and maintains the integrity of the game.

Whether you’re looking for beginner-friendly options or professional-grade birdies, there are various brands available in stores and online platforms. Consider factors like cost, durability, and performance when making your purchase.

At Badmintonbites, our goal is to provide honest and authentic badminton content while sharing our experiences with various badminton products. We hope this guide has provided valuable insights into the world of birdies in badminton. Stay connected with us for more informative articles, equipment reviews, and helpful tips to elevate your badminton journey.